Online Services
Making an appointment, updating your contact details or ordering a repeat prescription has never been easier.
You can now do it online provided that you have an account for EMIS, a third-party online patient information service.
You can now also view your medications, allergies and immunisations online using this service.
If you don't have a user account for EMIS
Please contact reception to ask for log in details.
Email address
You can now email your prescription request to us.
Please subject your email as 'prescription request.' Remember to include your full name, DOB and address, and name the medication you request.
We may reply to your email to inform you of any queries with your medication request.
Application form for access to health records
For application form for access to health records in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) please click here.
You will need to print this form, fill it in and send it in to us.